42 / 15-23 Langhorne Street, First Floor HUB Arcade, Dandenong VIC 3175
Group & Centre-based Activities
NDIS Group Activities Melbourne

Your Ideal Guide for Participation in NDIS Group Activities in Melbourne

Inclusive Futures Network – NDIS Programs helps you to participate in group-based community activities of your choice within a centre. The aim of the group and centre-based activities is to increase participants’ knowledge of life skills, understand disability, reduce social isolation and connect to the community.

At Inclusive Futures Network – NDIS Programs, we aim to provide the participants with opportunities that will help them socialise and learn new life skills. That way, they can stride one step ahead in becoming independent and achieve their goals. Besides, as providers of group activities participation assistance in Melbourne, we conduct various group activities to enrich the lives of the participants.

The activities that we conduct are approved by qualified professionals. Moreover, they are designed as per the requirements of the individuals experiencing disabilities.

NDIS Group Activities Participation Assistance Melbourne

Inclusions in Our Group Activities Participation Assistance in Melbourne:

  • Recreational activities such as dance, music, games, art and craft, disco, etc.
  • Community get-togethers and outings in book clubs, libraries, local shopping centres and visit to theatres and museums
  • Educational activities such as health awareness, trivia regarding current affairs, etc.
  • General skills such as cooking, tailoring, self-care, gardening other day-to-day tasks
  • Camping
  • Drama and art classes
  • Sport programs
  • Local trips

We provide language-specific group support to people living with disability, people who are frail, and carers, from ethnic backgrounds.

Our experienced support workers providing participation assistance with NDIS group activities in Melbourne are ready to find and bring you the group-based community activities of your needs and choices to maintain a happy and fulfilling life.

FAQs Regarding Our NDIS Participation Assistance with Group Activities in Melbourne

Can you provide me with a peer mentor to help me navigate and participate in NDIS group activities in Melbourne?
Yes, our participation assistance with NDIS group activities in Melbourne can provide you with a peer mentor upon your request to help you properly socialise and engage in various group centre-based activities.
Does your group activities participation assistance in Melbourne cover the transportation for group activities, especially those in rural areas?
Yes, our group activities participation assistance in Melbourne does cover the transportation for group activities, both in urban and rural areas. You can always count on us for the best arrangement for transportation for this.
Will you provide me with your group activities participation assistance in Melbourne if I have anxiety and, thereby, want to take part in smaller group settings?
If you have anxiety or sensory sensitivities, you can definitely count on us for the ultimate group activities participation assistance in Melbourne. We will make sure that your needs and wants are properly met and that you are smoothly able to take part in smaller, more intimate group settings in real time.
Can you provide your assistance for virtual participation in NDIS group activities in Melbourne if I have major face barriers to physical interactions?
Yes, our participation assistance with NDIS group activities in Melbourne can provide you with virtual socialisation opportunities, where you can meet and interact with other people without having to go out of your house and come into physical contact with anyone.

Book a Consultation

For further information about this service please contact Inclusive Futures Network – NDIS Programs on 0435 760 582 / 0403 545 467 and ask to speak with the program officer, visit our contact page to fill out the form, or email us

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